Mobile post for blood collecting (MPBC) on the chassis of the bus NEFAZ 5299-17

Room is meant for work of medical personnel up to 10 persons.
Stock of materials and presence of heat chambers make it possible for a mobile medical team to receive donors in autonomous manner for two-three days. Average capacity of the mobile post is up to 100 donors per shift.
Bus is manufactured in “northern” variant – insulated floor, body, double-glass pane with tinted glass, air conditioners and system of cabin heating. Bus provides comfortable operation conditions for medical teams and receiving donors at an ambient temperature from + 40 ºC to – 40 ºC.
The inside of the cabin is divided into four functional zones:
- tambour;
- laboratory zone;
- operating zone;
- auxiliary zone.
- external source - 220 V;
- sustainer engine and bus storage battery;
- diesel-generator, included into the article composition.
The fact that more than 70% of donor blood nowadays is prepared outside hospitals tells about urgency of the project. Today we are lacking for operating examples of such equipment while Russian hemotranfusion stations badly need them.
MPBC is meant for transfusiologist team transportation to the place where donor is living.
Mobile post of blood collecting enables:
- transportation of medical team and equipment to the place of blood collecting;
- autonomous life support and operating of post while receiving donors, collecting blood and providing its storage;
- transportation of medical team and prepared blood stock to stationary medical institutions.
- Installation of additional equipment is possible according to the Customer’s desire as follows: diesel-generator 1.5 kW, laptop, fridge for prepared blood storage.