Drying oven «Dachnik-2М»

Drying oven for fruits and vegetables has a special body construction owing to which the outer sides don't get warm. This characteristic is especially valuable if there are small children at home or the drying oven stands next to the other equipment.
Inside the body of the drying oven there are two installed sections with tubular radiators (electrical heaters), which set the particular range of infra-red radiation. Drying is conducted at optimal temperature 40-70 °С. Evaporation in electric equipment cabinet is conducted by means of infra-red radiation, thus preserving vitamins, microelements, nutrition value of dried products as well as other important qualities such as taste, color and natural flavor. Afterwards it is sufficient to soak the dried product in warm water and it will restore its qualities almost completely.
Drying oven for fruits and vegetables “Dachnik-2M” has a pallet and two backing trays, on which the products are placed for drying. Baking trays are made of food stainless steel.
Each product is dried at a particular temperature. Heat controller, specially installed on the panel of drying oven, sets drying modes, which correspond to different level of oven heating temperature. You don’t have to maintain necessary temperature and humidity, drying oven will do this on its own. Besides, the process of fruits and vegetables treatment doesn’t involve any foreign substances (for example sulphur).
Drying oven for fruits and vegetables helps to preserve products and their nutrition value for a long time. In the process of treatment the wholeness of the products is not violated. The products can be used as well as the fresh fruits and vegetables.
Infra-red drying oven provides:
- High quality of dried product;
- Almost complete preservation of vitamins and valuable microelements;
- Reducing of harmful microflora in product;
- Long-term storage of the product without quality loss;
- Restoring of appearance, taste and natural flavor after short soaking of dried product.
Mass of loaded material, kg | 3 |
Supply voltage, V | ~220/50 |
Power consumption, kW | 0,48 |
Overall dimensions, mm | 340 х 430 х 355 |
Mass of electric cabin without package, kg | 9 |
Time of drying, h | 1.5-12 |
Temperature of drying, °С | 40-70 |